Thursday, November 20, 2014


"I want to live like tomorrow doesn't exist" are lyrics to a song I heard on the radio. In that instant, I had an "Ah Ha!" moment. If you take a second to contemplate the idea, you may come to the same conclusion I did. Tomorrow DOESN'T exist!

In order for something to exist, it has to be! Because Tomorrow hasn't come yet (it's not here NOW), it doesn't exist NOW.

If you can take a brief moment to think about it, you'll realize worry, stressing over and fretting about what may (or may not) happen "Tomorrow" really makes no sense at all. Sure, its wise to prepare and plan for Tomorrow because you're expecting it however Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone so worry, stress and fretting over Tomorrow is a complete waste of Time!
Its been said "Life is Short", "Live in the Moment", "Live for Today", etc., because that's the absolute truth! What you do have is the Present Moment and that should always be considered a Gift because of  the mere fact that Tomorrow may never come for you or a loved one. Do what you can and do the best at what you can NOW. The rest is not up to you no matter how much sleep you lose over it! Stressing just brings on anxiety which makes your current situation worse NOT better.
Once you've managed to get a good understanding on the fact that Tomorrow doesn't exist is when you'll free yourself of what you can't control and get back into Life by making the most of every moment you do have. Not only will you begin to LIVE life again but you'll also start creating wonderful memories for yourself and your loved ones!
If you're not convinced, continue waiting for Tomorrow while Life continues to pass you by. Here's the only problem with that, once Life/Time goes by, its gone for good - it will never come back so choose wisely that way you'll have no regrets when your Time has run out. Don't worry about Tomorrow. Believe me, Tomorrow is not worried about you because Tomorrow doesn't exist! PEACE


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