Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Key to Life

About to enter the bridge, on my way to work this morning, in a state of gratitude for the beautiful fall colors and bright sunny sky. I say to myself, "Today I'm going to pay the Toll for the driver behind me!" Right away a voice (in my head) says "ARE YOU CRAZY??? Why would you do that? You can't afford it! Don't be stupid, the Toll is $5 - are you really thinking about paying $10 right now?!?" My answer to Fear was "Because God is in me, I live in a state of abundance and that is precisely why I'm doing this!"

You see, it's because God lives in me that I could do what one might think is "CRAZY!" Giving (expecting nothing in return) is living in a state of abundance. Thinking or saying things like "I can't afford it", "What's in it for me?", "There isn't enough", etc.. is living in a state of scarcity and lack which is the very reason one never has enough! 

Because God is Omni Present (everywhere at all times), Omni Potent (all power over all things at all times and in all ways) and Omniscient (complete unlimited knowledge of all things.), I think those are pretty good reasons to TRUST Him, don't you?!? I, for one, will say it feels CRAZY (like jumping out of a plane!!!) to completely "let go and let God" but that is where FAITH comes in. FAITH is KNOWING your outcome will be better than your current situation - exclusively because of who God is!

Anything else is guaranteed to bring FEAR in the form of worry, doubt, anxiety which presents itself in Stress (depression, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.) When what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders seem too much to bear is when suicide is contemplated. What's insane about it all is you hold the key to the prison you've  locked yourself in!

Once you're able to know God for who he is (by surrendering to His will) is when you've used the Key to Life which brings you Peace and releases you from your own prison! Being the guard AND prisoner of your own mind is called INSANITY. Choose instead to change your way of thinking by allowing God's will to be your will. You'll see your life change for the better because God works no other way.

"And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." We've all been called - will you answer by TRUSTING God? Or will you continue doing what clearly hasn't been working but keep praying for an answer? The choice is yours. Remember, the answer (Key to Life) is complete FAITH in God. His Power is ALWAYS in you. FAITH is using His Power to bless others expecting nothing in return. Do this and your life will never be the same! PEACE

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