Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's time!

Apart from tracking the hour, day, month and year, have you ever wondered what is the purpose of time? If you take a moment to think about it, other than recalling something from your memory  or preparing for the future, there is no real purpose for time. Know this, all one ever really has is this moment. I'm sure you've heard these terms "life is short", "one day at a time", "tomorrow is not promised", "yesterday is gone" "Rome wasn't built in a day", etc., but how many of us can say we really live in the moment?

I do it everyday all day but have been able to have it last for only a minute (maybe two) at the most. I would say "Ok, I'm going to stay (present) right here and finish what time doing" whether it be walking my dog, driving, doing laundry yet the very instant I'm done setting up the challenge, the most random thoughts come flooding back to distract me from what I set out to do. How I'm able to focus a little better now is by simply repeating "just this" to myself.

Whenever I find myself worried about anything, I say "just this" and bring myself back to what I'm doing at the time. However scary, and/or uncomfortable this new state of awareness (still) seem to be, I'm realizing anything else is nothing more than a waste of time and energy. If time is not guaranteed (I think we can all agree on that) then why waste it worrying about what you can't control or dwelling over what you can't change? Why? Because denial of the present moment is what keeps you distracted and trapped! Let me set up a scenario and you decide whether or not it's realistic to you. Here we go!

It's 6:30am Monday morning. Your alarm goes off and the first thing on your mind is your To Do List. What must get done today and/or what didn't get done yesterday. What I'm suggesting is to take a minute (that may be asking for too much - I know minutes are precious first thing in the morning - try 5 seconds) to take a slow deep cleansing breath and be grateful for the air you're breathing. That small start can be what it takes to shift your thinking pattern which has the potential to improve your mood, energy level AND mind set even if it doesn't last longer than what it takes for you to get out of bed.

I urge you to give it a try - start small and notice any improvement. If you want peace you must be willing to start somewhere. Here's a bonus! You don't have to wait until the morning - do it right now! You don't need time to do it. You do however need to be willing to quiet your mind in order to do so. No one but you can do that for you! It's amazing what a few good clean deep breaths (in through your nose and out through the mouth) can do for you. I mean you can't do a thing without it so use it wisely while you can by 1. being grateful you're breathing (on your own) and 2. remembering "just this."

There is no time like the present and that's real talk so wake up!

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