Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Don’t try, just BE.

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE), a façade, ego, has been adopted as a form of “protection” from imaginary danger. Imaginary considering it all begins in the mind. 

It’s not until the dust (nothingness) settles from the chaos and confusion, caused by ego, that allows Clarity the space to reveal Truth/Reality which was hidden in plain sight. 

Denial is precisely what blocks one’s ability to see and accept what already is. There is no growth in the state of Denial, just stagnation and suffering. 

Choose to remember Life, in the physical form, is a game to be played. When viewed from this perspective, the hand dealt will not be taken personally which is how the whole point is missed. THIS is a “sin” in the sport of archery because the point/target/bullseye was missed

Because Time is guaranteed to no one, Life is best lived in the moment and in a state of Gratitude; specifically during challenging times. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. The point/purpose of each and every test/challenge is for one’s growth and evolution. To view it any other way is a call for further suffering. 

The breath of Life is a gift. What happens from the very first to the very last is simply for the experience and the enjoyment of it…good, bad and ugly. Otherwise the very purpose of one's BEing will be questioned, by ego, and may even think of ending it from the pressure/ tests/Life lessons. Which by the way, are never personal.  

Life is a game that is not to be taken personally. Instead, be Grateful for the opportunity to play another day. Stay awake/alert in order to see the signs that are there to guide you through uncharted territory and difficult situations.

Remember who YOU are at the core essence of your BEing (LOVE) so you can continue to be the blessing that YOU are here to BE. 

Life lived in the state of LOVE/authenticity is one that is fearless considering Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists, herein lies the Peace of GOD…in YOU.



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