Saturday, August 20, 2016

It doesn't need time, it needs your awareness!

When Truth is recognized for what it Really is, LOVE, Peace is established precisely because ALL of what is made up (by Ego) yet  believed to be True (by man) will be seen for what they Really are, Fear, in the form of lies.
Fear, in the form of Denial is the one and only reason anyone would choose to believe what is a known lie. The reason for this is the belief that Truth hurts, when in fact the Truth is, lies are the cause of Pain and Suffering. Lies cause Chaos and Confusion and when decisions are made in this state, Shame and Regret are its gifts of appreciation.
Because there is order in Truth, Simplicity, Clarity and Calm are its characteristics of which Time is not required in order to see what is clearly visible; Truth (aka Reality.)  When you remember Who You Really are, what you see with your physical eyes will longer distract and enslave you in Fear of what is made up and doesn't make sense.
Remember, only what is True is Truth meaning because Knowledge is Truth, Confusion, Doubt, Worry, Anxiety, etc., are useless forms of Fear. Think about it, if you Know something, there are no Questions, Confusion and/or Doubt and if there is no Question, Confusion and/or Doubt, there is no use for Worry, Anxiety, etc. They serve no purpose.
Choose to wake up to Reality; the fact that because We (the entire human race) are One and the SAME, there is no threat, PERIOD! Time is not required for this fact to be recognized as Truth because Time will tell you it hasn't changed a thing! Do not allow Ego to continue to deceive and make light of the situation by believing because "we've made progress" its not that bad. This is a perfect example of Ego using more lies to cover up and disguise Truth by tricking you into believing more Time is needed to accept what always was, what is Now and what will always be.
Unless and Until You take your place as the PERFECT creation of LOVE that You Really are, by living in and appreciating this moment, however challenging, as the gift of Life it is, You will be unable to see Your brother in the SAME light (Truth.) Remember, nothing Real can be threatened and it doesn't take Time to understand and accept this fact. Peace


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