Friday, June 3, 2016

Be here, Now.

Because We, human beings have the capability of creating with our mind whatever it is we can imagine, the Will to do so is being used at all times. Every decision made comes from the will to choose. Whenever your will/desire is not in accordance with the Will of "Universe, Allah, God/Love, Jehovah, Spirit Being, etc.," the results will bring what you asked for at the time but brings with it Shame or Regret for you to deal with later. 

To ask for anything is to confirm lack. When you remember Who You Really are, you will Know you already have everything (worth having.) To ask for anything is to limit yourself by thinking you know better. Considering "Universe, Allah, God/Love, Jehovah, Spirit Being, etc.," is an energy force that reflects your energy back to you, to ask for anything other than "Thy Will be done" is to ask for nothing but Pain and Suffering at some point or another.  

To ask for this/that, for this to be done or for that to not be, is to go against the flow (Will) of how things are. Coming from a place of projection, hence wanting/needing something  in  the future, being unaware of your Power is when Fear comes along.  

Only when life is lived to its fullest capacity (which by the way, is endless) will the flow of Life continue in an abundance and showering of blessings. It is only here, Present moment, that Life seems to flow effortlessly, miracles happen on the regular and are no longer dismissed as coincidental and/or a stroke of luck. 

Choose to live as much of your time awake, in the moment and be grateful for it - it may just be your last moment in this form. Emotions are not necessary here because that fact remains and emotions do not alter Truth.  Remember Who you Really are, Love. Where there is Love, there is Hope and that's all that's required to get back on the path to realizing the Power within (Love.) From this point, choose to offer your Will as acknowledgment that you don't know what's best.

Choose to live in the moment, remain in a state of Gratitude and Know that when you are in accordance with the only True Power (Love,) you need not ever ask for another thing. This is how Peace is experienced because there is nothing lacking, needing or wanting. Be Still. Peace

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