Tuesday, July 14, 2015


If you remembered who you are, you would never compromise for instant gratification what can't  be bought at/for a price. If you remembered Who God is, you would know there are no compromises and/or negotiations to concern yourself with because there are no such thing in the Holy realm. Compromises and negotiations are necessary only in the world of form (physical) because Ego has convinced you to look out for yourself first because no one else will. What a crock of Sugah Honey Iced Tea!!!

Please know, it's only in changing your perspective from that of Ego's domain of Fear where Scarcity and Lack reside to that of the Holy Spirit's domain of Peace where Love and Joy reside that you'll experience Life at its highest/purest level!

Practice Humility, thinking of yourself less (rather than first) and you'll see compromises and negotiations will be depended upon by you less and less stretching your moments of Peace to be endured longer. Try it! Peace

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