Monday, April 27, 2015

You'll know when...

The knowing of God is experienced when there is complete Peace/Silence within. This means when everything you do is in honor of God, your life is blessed with Peace. Because Peace is a state of being, one must stay Present in order to be in Peace, for its not possible to be in the Past, considering the Past is already gone. The Future on the other hand, does not yet exist, which explains why it's not possible to be in the Future.

For clarification purposes, Peace is the capability to completely immerse yourself in whatever it is you're doing at any particular point. For example, if you are cooking, stay present in your mind with everything you're doing and the chances of you making the most incredible meal you've ever made is highly probable for there is where Love is. Whenever something is done in Love, it is obvious. It's just as obvious if/when you prepare a meal, or do anything for that matter, without being focused, Present in the moment, because the outcome is never magnificent!

Most have no concept of what that's like for they're either stuck in the Past holding on to what is deemed impossible to let go of or because they've (clearly) forgotten Who's in control, they worry constantly and live in Fear over what they have no control over anyway. It's because you've forgotten who you are that you worry about anything at all considering it doesn't ever seem to help the situation. 

Peace, a state of being, is of God which is indescribable. It's indescribable because there is nothing on earth like it and so nothing to compare it to. You have to experience it for yourself to know what the Power of God can do. Pictures and even video footage of the Grand Canyon, for example, can not capture the awe, the essence of God. That's something you have to experience for yourself to see and understand the magnificence of God! 

You don't remember you're here but for a short while which is how Ego is able to trick you. It made up a whole new world where everything is made up yet believed to be True to the point where lives are at stake over what makes no sense. It's Ego behind the scenes, pulling your strings. Because you've forgotten Who God is, Ego confused you with Fear into believing money is what will secure your Future however because God is the only One that knows the Future, there is nothing you can do to secure it. If you knew who are and Who's you are, you would know your Future is in the hands of God, and for that reason alone, there is no need for Fear. 

You'll know when you remember God never Fails. Peace

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