I'm sure you've heard of the term "you're in your own way." That's exactly what happens when you're faced with an unpleasant situation and you begin to stress because you don't want to deal with it. You're in the way when you negatively react (emotional) rather than be still and trust God through it.
You're in the way when your mind is lost in the past regretting and/or still angry about what you can't change but can't accept either. That's a form of insanity because reality is what it is whether its accepted or not.
You're in the way when you look at your life situation and see only what's lacking and/or unpleasant. People in very poor countries seem to have a sense of peace within because although they go through trying times, they are very grateful for the little they do have. Nothing is taken for granted.
Get out of the way! How? By trusting that despite your current (and temporary) situation, it is simply that, you're current situation. Your trust in God at this point will take sheer/blind faith. Surrendering that situation along with all your doubts, fears, worries, anxiety, anger, bitterness, regret, shame, etc., will be replaced with God's Peace.
Living in the moment is where you find God's Peace. Any other moment doesn't exist - its either gone or hasn't come yet and so is pointless to spend more time there than in your present moment. By staying present, your mind is clear from all the noise in your head about the past and/or stressing about the future. God himself said "Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"
When you're present is when God is able to use you to bless others. That's not possible when you're in the way because your thoughts are what block God's blessings for others through you as well as your own blessings. Keep your mind clear of negativity - keep your focus on God and watch the blessings begin to pour in!! PEACE
Looking good, blogging lady!