Thursday, December 4, 2014

RACE in 2014

Race - people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock.

Has anyone ever thought of the logic in "defending your race?" Or demeaning another because of their race? How about this one? KILLING another because of their race? Is there logic in any one of these thought patterns? 

No one on this planet had any part in deciding what race he/she was born into. That is not a decision made by you so how can you defend or reject what you had no part in distributing? Could it be you follow and/or believe what you were taught to be right? At some point, now is a good time, you need  to question your belief on race relations in 2014.

You can continue to believe that because race issues do not directly effect you, they don't exist but being honest with yourself is what will allow you (and the rest of the world) to see what is blatantly obvious but too "deep and/or sensitive" to talk about.

The fact that race has been an issue for hundreds of years is not a reason to look the other way and pretend it doesn't still exist. What is equally blatantly obvious is the FACT that we are ONE human race. Meaning the texture of your hair, facial features, ethnicity, skin color, lineage, etc., is of no value!  They're meaningless because anything that is built on a foundation of lies, hurt, deceit, abuse, secrecy, etc., is certain to not last. 

Sure, Race has been an issue for centuries however the length of time does not confirm its efficacy as much as it confirms the ignorance woven into the very fabric of our justice system. What is gained by judging and attacking another according to how he/she looks or where he/she was born? 

The idea of holding a trial to determine whom is at fault when one party is killed by another is SICK! Even if a guilty verdict is concluded, punishment (i.e., job loss, arrest, prison sentence, capital punishment, etc.) doesn't resolve anything because the root of the problem RACE has not been addressed.  The way to address the Race issue once and for all is to:

1. Not make or take part in jokes about Race - it's not funny!
2. Understand Race is as meaningless as Class - they both are based on ignorance. 
3. Accept the Truth which is the one and only thing keeping us from Peace on Earth - the FACT that we are all one Race - the HUMAN Race - PERIOD.

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