Thursday, January 28, 2016

...One WILLING Heart.

Truth is True whether it is accepted as such or not. Truth doesn't change which is the primary reason it can be trusted and depended on. There is only One Truth however it is often confused with "my" truth or "your" truth which explains the Confusion and Conflict it causes. 

The world's version of truth validates "your" truth and "my" truth and that's the reason Confusion and Conflict dominate and dictates. You see, because Ego (also known as Devil, Satan, Lucifer, etc.,)   rules in the mind, thoughts like "you deserve this!" "you don't deserve that!" "you gotta get yours by any means necessary!" etc., is what maintains Confusion and Conflict. Thoughts like these offer no solution because Ego has one purpose and offering solutions to problems, which brings Peace, is not it! 

Please understand the "world" in itself is harmless and powerless, meaning of itself it is nothing. What must be realized is the fact that any/all drama and Peace is born in the mind then acted upon.  Like the world, the body is harmless and powerless and virtually useless without the mind. If/when  a medical surgeon declares one "brain dead," the quality of life is significantly reduced to that of a "vegetative" state - a chronic state of brain dysfunction in which a person shows no signs of awareness.

Because the gift of choice (given by God) is where Power comes from, any action taken is the result of decisions made in the mind. When Ego is in control, you are in a vegetative state of mind because there is dysfunction, showing no signs of awareness. It is here "poor" decisions are made which bring Pain along with Suffering and as a result leaving Shame and Guilt in its wake!

This should be of no surprise to you but if for some reason you are, pick up any news paper, turn on any news channel, check out your Twitter news updates or just ask the nearest person and you will find Confusion and Conflict dominating and dictating just about every report which carry a  predominantly negative tone. 

One willing heart is all it takes for the Holy Spirit to guide you to Truth. Guidance is necessary because the way to Truth has been lost to superficial meaninglessness and mistaken for Truth. Because the Holy Spirit doesn't dominate or dictate by imposing on your will to choose, a willing/open heart is required  in order to recognize Truth. A willing/open heart is one that is ready to relinquish all of what Ego convinced you is for your protection. It is at this point the solution to ANY and ALL problems are found and Peace of mind is experienced. Peace

Sunday, January 24, 2016

In order to have THIS, you must change THAT!

The realization and understanding that "Life is what you make it" is the beginning of something wonderful!

To realize is to be fully aware or cognizant of something. To bring your attention to and/or focus, enhances the possibility for improvement. 

To understand is to make sense of or get the meaning of something. From this point, better choices are made.

The mind is where both realization and understanding take place. The first step toward choosing the Life you want is in knowing only you are in control of it (mind.) The mind is where/how the Power of Choice, otherwise known as Free Will, is used. Choice/Free Will comes with Power precisely because it is a gift from God. How you use it however is what brings Peace or Turmoil into your Life. Please understand the how doesn't have an impact on the efficacy of its Power, again, because Choice/Free Will is given by God.

You have forgotten the Power you have within which explains the suffering that burdens you. Remember your gift by taking back control of your mind. "I couldn't help myself," "Look at what you made me do," "I'm not perfect, I'm only human" are some examples of excuses used for not taking/accepting responsibility for your actions which are the result of Poor/Wrong Choice.

Poor/Wrong Choice come only from Ego. Ego will never take/accept responsibility because no one but you, not only gives over control of your mind to Ego, but no one but youacts upon the Choices made by Ego. Because there is no one to blame for the Poor/Wrong Choice(s) you acted on, blame is useless and a waste of time. What is called for here is change. Change of mind!

To change your mind is to 1. Know only you are in control of it. 2. Remember the Power (of God) within you, aka Choice/Free Will. 3. Realize and Understand, because its efficacy doesn't change, your decision(s) are what bring Peace or Turmoil. 

Use the Power of God wisely by giving your mind over to the Holy Spirit and you will experience only Peace, despite your life circumstances. How is this possible? Ego dictates, leaving you with Shame and Regret which leads to Suffering where Holy Spirit guides and corrects which creates Joy and Peace. 

Please do not confuse happiness with Joy for happiness is temporary and Joy (a state of Being,) is changeless

Please do not accept Peace as the world sees it for there is no Peace there, only War. The Peace (of God) is beyond understanding. Meaning your life situation has nothing to do with this kind of Peace. Let the Holy Spirit show you its 10% the situation and 90% your reaction to it. When guided by the Holy Spirit, you will remain in Peace because your perception of the situation will not be distorted by what doesn't matter. When ruled by Ego, you will be quick to give someone "a piece of your mind" which never brings real Peace.

In order to have PEACE, you must change your MIND. Peace 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Take it one at a time!

Everyday is a brand new opportunity to try again, to do better, to learn, to grow, to LOVE. When seen from this perspective, which is offered only by the Holy Spirit, Life is lived in gratitude for the gift it is (from God.)

The first step that must be taken to "take it one at at time" is to change your mind. Thoughts about life and all of what it entails is, for the average person, stressful at best and a down right  living hell at worst. 

Between what's being reported in the News and what's happening in your own personal life, is enough to cause Fear and Anxiety (to say the least.) It's imperative that you remember life situations,  no matter how challenging, are temporary and will pass! 

Changing your mind is necessary, required actually, because that is the first initiative for change. Positive change comes by way of your decision to surrender your thoughts/mind to the Holy Spirit.  This is done by completely letting go and remembering God is the One in control anyway not you!

Completely letting go means staying in the moment. Taking "it", Life, one day, one hour, one moment at a time. Accepting what is, because acceptance is what brings Peace. Please do not confuse acceptance with being in agreement with what is. You don't have to agree with what is because it is what it is whether you agree or not.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant for no other reason than an opinion being a belief of which isn't capable of improving a situation. Although everyone is entitled to their opinion, please know opinions have little to no value because of their irrelevance. True value is not of this world considering every worldly thing is temporal (limited to time.) That which is of God, Peace, for example, is priceless and because what God gives is for ever, Time is not an issue which secures its value/worth.

Choose to today, Now,  to release Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Guilt, Shame, Anger, etc., to the Holy Spirit in exchange for Peace (of mind.) Again, this is done by staying in the moment and being grateful for the gift of Life and you will notice, despite your circumstances, "this too shall pass." At this point you will better understand "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" because you will have surrendered your will and never regret that decision! Peace

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Memory can be a blessing AND a curse. The wonderful part is you get to decide what it will be for you. Because memories are events in the Past that are stored in the mind, memory is how past events are recalled.

Young people find little to no interest in the Past because they're more concerned with the Future. Planning or wishing and even worrying about the Future is how many young people spend their time. Education, Career, Family life is where the focus is for many whom are "just starting out."

Old people on the other hand have far less Future ahead of them and so spend their time looking back on the Past. Some have many regrets of not living their dream - completing their education, marrying the love of their life, going after their dream job, traveling, holding on to grievances, not spending more time with loved ones, etc. 

Memory can be a blessing in that because events recalled are a choice made by you, they can bring  feelings of happiness. When in  the right frame of mind (guided by the Holy Spirit) is when gratitude comes in to play. Being thankful, for even difficult life situations, is what creates room for more blessings. "Everything happens for a reason" signifies there is a meaning/lesson within every situation or it would not be. 

When guided by the Holy Spirit, the reason will always  be made known for that is its purpose. When you choose the Holy Spirit as your teacher, Ego no longer dictates and every lesson is learned the first time around because errors/mistakes are of Ego never the Holy Spirit. The gift of God is then experienced because it is offered by the Holy Spirit alone. It can not be bought because it is not of this world. Nothing on earth can replace it because there is nothing like it!

Memory is a curse if/when thoughts of past events causes discomfort and/or negative feelings. Because the body reacts to what's going on in the mind, your emotion is a good indicator of who's in control. If/when in Peace, the Holy Spirit is in control and who, but Ego (which must always have conflict to maintain its identity) doesn't want Peace?

"Forgive but don't forget" is a term made up by Ego considering its need to hold on to something, anything. Because Ego lives in the Past, it can not allow you to forget for that will be the end of its existence. To believe True forgiveness can come of this is a misconception that keeps you prisoner in your own cell (your mind.) It's like taking poison while waiting for your "offender" to die.

The Holy Spirit uses the Now, the Present Moment, the Holy instant, to correct errors by adjusting your vision so your perspective is based on Truth and not Fear (which comes from Ego.) When you remember who you are, you will no longer feel the need to protect yourself by not forgetting the "sins" of others which Ego has you convinced will keep you from further pain/suffering. Please know the opposite is True. 

It is only by letting go of the Past, which is a choice made only by you that True forgiveness is offered and Peace is experienced. This means no recollection, no remanence and no record of past offenses. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" signifies to wipe the slate clean and begin again or continue from where you were before the offense.  

Please do not attempt this on your own because Ego will, once again, trick you into believeing you have already let go. All the while, it will wait in the "cut" for the first opportunity to bring up the Past which to Ego will justify its reason for "not forgetting." True forgiveness comes from God which can only be offered through the Holy Spirit. And because the Holy Spirit doesn't live in the Past, grudges are not held in the Present moment where True forgiveness is offered and Peace is exchanged for guilt. 

Use your Power to choose (wisely) and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to and keep you in perfect Peace. How? Let go and live in the moment where real life happens, where blessings are recognized, where Peace is experienced which increases your chances for a better brighter future, which in the end will return to you the most amazing memories! Peace

Monday, January 4, 2016


A term too often misused because its meaning is misunderstood. 

The word SIN is a term used in the sport of Archery which means to miss the mark or miss the point/target. SIN is a mistake to be corrected, not an act to be punished. The word mistake in this statement refers to a decision made in error and by doing so you have missed the mark. 

After taking an exam, mistakes are corrected (by reviewing the lesson) in order to better understand where the error was made. This is how the lesson is learned and clearly understood.

Punishment on the other hand does not teach anything but it does however foster anger and fear because the focus is on guilt rather than correction. Not convinced? Maybe a visit to any  "correctional" facility in the United States, or anywhere in the world for that matter, will do the trick! Punishment induces fear of getting caught for doing something "wrong" yet it does nothing to change the behavior itself. If anything, how not to get caught, for fear of punishment, is how the term "repeat offender" came to be.

Correction comes only by changing the mind and in order to change the mind, one must have a reason for it. You see, decisions are made in the mind and unless the central place from where decisions are made is redirected, mistakes/error in choice(s) will continue to happen. 

What needs correction is simply what you've forgotten, Who You Are. You seem to have forgotten which explains the guilt, pain, worry, suffering, anxiety, confusion, anger, jealousy, strive, envy and stress, that has taken up residency in your life. These experiences come from a state of believing you are weak and so you depend on and look to Ego for protection.

Because you've lost sight of your true self (Spirit) you believe what your physical senses tell you though they make no sense at all because their messages come from Ego. Confusion and conflict are of Ego - Knowledge and Peace are of God. Considering the physical body is useless without the mind, what the body does is simply a reflection of the mind. It is the mind that dictates to the body and not the other way around.

You are still in the dream-like state and believe what does not make sense because you're not aware of what is real and what isn't. Ego needs you to continue to believe you are a "sinner" in order to keep you imprisoned and enslaved in fear, helplessness and hopelessness. This is how Ego keeps you from remembering who you really are and this is where confusion comes in to play. When decisions are made in a state of confusion, the results bring regret and shame because they were not made in the state of right mindedness. 

Give your mind over to One that guides you back to Truth by asking, before you make it, if your decision is the right one. His help is needed because you've been disoriented for so long that your focus is blurred and you need help in discerning what He knows to be True. This explains "not my will, but thy Will be done." Realign your mind with His and SIN will no longer be a term to be afraid of because punishment will no longer be a concern to you.

Being guided by the Holy Spirit, whom knows the way because He is the way to Peace is what it will take for you to hit the mark/target each and every time! There are no errors when your mind and will are in One accord with God, how could there be? Error comes from confusion and there is no confusion/doubt when the Holy Spirit is your guide. The key is to "BE still and know..." for there are no questions in God, only answers. God (LOVE) is The only answer and where there is Love there is no question, no doubt, no confusion, no fear, no worry, no anxiety, no shame, no guilt, no regrets, no SIN. Peace